When you are getting ready for this year’s vacations, don’t forget to pack travel insurance.
Besides being properly protected with travel insurance; make sure you bring along:
Prescription medications:
If you are taking any medications, make sure you label and pack what you need for the duration of your trip and a bit extra in case the vacation is extended unexpectedly. And make sure you carry these on the plane so you will be prepared if your luggage doesn’t meet you at your destination.
Travel-sized first aid kit:
Prepare in case of an emergency with a travel-sized first aid kit, complete with items like band-aids, anti-septic wipes, pain medication, etc.
Hand sanitizer:
A small bottle of hand sanitizer can come in handy when soap is not available. Airports are known to be a place where germs love to thrive.
Sunscreen, hats, and clothing to suit all kinds of weather:
The skies might be cloudy, but that doesn’t mean UV rays are not harmful. Practicing sun safety, and making sure to always have sunscreen and wearable sun protection on hand should not be overlooked.
Health insurance card and supplemental travel health insurance plan information:
Keep those important documents in a safe place where you can grab them easily if needed. Tell your travelling partners where to find the documents. Make sure you leave a copy with a family member or friend if you accidentally misplace them.
Pack Healthy snacks:
Take a Ziploc bag of nuts or a granola bar in case you end up longer on the plane than expected due to unforeseen circumstances.
Keep a small amount of currency in your wallet (from the country you are visiting) in case of airport or other travel emergencies.
Safe travels!